Saturday, 25 October 2014

The Thursday Blog [Bonus Post]: Thoughts on the Rule of Thirds in relation to binary vision

I was wondering as to why the rule of three might be so effective and I wondered if it might be based upon our binary vision. Having two eyes splits our field of view (at least horizontally) into three sectors that match up with the rule of three; left, right and between the eyes. I haven't found anything to back this up so it is purely speculation on my part but it got me wondering how variant ocular physiologies might influence the rule of three, with a third eye, depending on its positioning perhaps the viewer would be more inclined to a Rule of Five, perhaps eight eyes like a spider would use a rule of ten? or would it be simplified?

Also the positioning of our eyes are the result of our evolution as predators, herbivores tend to have wider set eyes giving them a wider field of vision to better detect predators but would this alter the rule of three? I assume the proportions would be different based on the extended field of view.

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