Thursday, 4 December 2014

MMc401.8 Final Project - Ideograms, Logograms & Pictograms Oh My!

I will use graphic visual language in the form of pictographs and its execution as abstract communication to investigate implied meaning and the how use of concepts such as composition, colour and emphasis can change how an image can be read. Through this I will examine the nature of language in its relation to narrative along with ideas around subjective and abstracted narrative.

Intro to Pictographs
The distinctive difference between a pictogram and an ideogram lies in the words themselves. A pictogram uses a picture of an object and an ideogram uses a symbol made of geometric shapes to represent an idea. Pictogram, picture. Ideogram, idea.

Modern examples include the logograms for "Ladies" 🚺 and "Gents" 🚹, "telephone" ☎, and "wheelchair access" ♿, which can be understood without any knowledge of the spoken language, i.e. the concept conveyed is the same to a German as to a Spaniard (for whom also include the symbols for the numbers 0 to 9, and the ampersand "&") or Korean.
- Robert Herrick's 1648 poem "To Fortune"

 Speech written for Abraham Lincoln 1862

Puck Magazine, March 30, 1881

- Ambrose Bierce

New York Lake Pictograms via Behance
Animal Pictograms via Behance
Olympic Pictograms via Behance
Chinesized weather forecast system by Yu ZHAO  <<
Spiderman Origin by pictographs via Behance
Historical Narratives through Pictographs by Mellissa Miroslava <<
Petroglyphs and Pictographs, photos by James Maire
Icons for Hotel Navigation by Katherin Isypova
Music Titles by Pictograms by Geno Arguelles
Johannesburg Zoo Pictograms


Smiley: The classic form designed in 1963 comprises a yellow circle with two black dots representing eyes and a black arc representing the mouth.

Emoticon: An emoticon (short for emotion icon) is a meta-communicative pictorial representation of a facial expression which in the absence of body language and prosody serves to draw a receiver's attention to the tenor or temper of a sender's nominal verbal communication, changing and improving its interpretation. There use varies cultural but they have been particularly developed in Japan and Korea some of which have been adopted by the western style.

Emoji(Japanese: 絵文字(えもじ): are the ideograms or smileys used in Japanese electronic messages and webpages, the use of which is spreading outside Japan. Originally meaning pictograph, the word emoji literally means "picture" (e) + "character" (moji).

Kaomoji (顔文字; literally, "face mark"): is the Japanese version of an emoticon. It is meant to be written and read horizontally.

Kaoani comes from the Japanese kao (顔?, face) and ani (アニ?, animation). Kaoanis are little animated smilies that usually bounce up and down to look like they are floating. Kaoani originate in Japan and are also known as puffs, anime blobs, anikaos or anime emoticons.

In the sims iconography are used extensively to convey moods and activites.

The power of Symbols

Ignoring the thinly veiled political attacks in the message this video makes some excellent points about the power of iconography and how to use it effectively while also pointing out that the more powerful a symbol you create the easier it is to use against you. 

In Batman begins and other sources, Bruce Wayne explicitly states he must become a symbol because they are incorruptible. Its quite ridiculous that he would think so and is proven time and time again in his own existence in and out of the comics. Looking at it as meta he has been explicitly parodied numerous times.

The swastika is probably the most famous example of a corrupted symbol, where it's original meaning is almost completely obfuscated by the new version.

The power of subversive symbols


Ideasthesia (alternative spelling ideaesthesia) is defined as a phenomenon in which activations of concepts (inducers) evoke perception-like experiences (concurrents). The name comes from the Greek idea and aisthesis, meaning "sensing concepts" or "sensing ideas" and is introduced by Danko Nikolić.The main reason for introducing the notion of ideaesthesia was the empirical evidence indicating that the related term synesthesia (i.e. union of senses) suggests incorrect explanation of a set of phenomena traditionally covered by this heading. Syn-aesthesis denoting "co-perceiving", implies the association of two sensory elements with little connection to the cognitive level. However, most phenomena that have inadvertently been linked to synesthesia, in fact are induced by the semantic representations i.e., the meaning, of the stimulus rather than by its sensory properties, as would be implied by the term synesthesia.

The concept of ideasthesia bears implications for understanding how synesthesia develops in children. Synesthetic children may associate concrete sensory-like experiences primarily to the abstract concepts that they have otherwise difficulties dealing with. Synesthesia may thus be used as a cognitive tool to cope with the abstractness of the learning materials imposed by the educational system (referred to also as a semantic vacuum). This hypothesis explains why the most common inducers in synesthesia are graphemes and time units— both relating to the first truly abstract ideas that a child needs to master.

The concept of ideasthesia bears implications for understanding how phenomenal experiences (or qualia) can emerge within a physical system e.g., the redness of color red. This question is also known as the hard problem of consciousness. Understanding perception as ideasthesia suggests that the phenomenal experiences evoked by a stimulus are tightly related to the process of categorizing that stimulus and understanding its meaning for the perceiver. Therefore, the origin of phenomenal conscious experiences should be sought in the mechanisms responsible for extracting the semantics of the surrounding world, including extraction of the meaning and the categorization of stimuli.

Bouba/Kiki Effect

The Kiki Bouba effect was first conducted on the island of Tenerife, by Wolfgang Köhler in 1929. He showed forms similar to those shown above, and found a strong preference to pair the jagged shape with the word Takete and the rounded shape with the word Baluba. In 2001, the experiment was repeated using the words Kiki and Bouba and asked large numbers of subjects Which of these shapes is bouba and which is kiki? 98% picked the curvy shape as bouba and the jagged one as kiki, suggesting that the human brain is somehow able to extract abstract properties from the shapes and sounds.

A more in depth investigation can be found in this paper: Synaesthesia—AWindow Into Perception, Thought and Language 

Native American Pictographs

Petroglyphs and pictographs have been found and catalogued from the pyramids of Egypt to India, from Australia to Brazil, from Japan to Scotland, and in Mexico, and in many cases have handed down important traditional history of the times and peoples represented.

More distinctive examples of evolution in ideography and in other details of picture writing are found still extant among the Dakota (or Sioux) Indians, than among any other North American tribes.

The pictographic symbols used in this codification are taken from some of the most important known pictographs of the North American Indians.  The classification and correlation of the matter collected has required more effort than is apparent, because the sources of information are so meager.

The Kiowa Calandar

Sett'an calendar was a semiannual notation of some striking events that stirred the tribe. The winter notation or pictograph was indicated by an upright black bar below the principal figure; the summer notation was often designated by a picture showing a medicine lodge for the annual Sun Dance. The Sett'an calendar ended in 1892, and the Anko monthly calendar ran from August, 1889, to July, 1892. The Anko yearly calendar ran from 1864 to 1892. Both of Anko's calendars were redrawn on the same skin. The calendars given by Miss Marriott run through 1901.

Aboriginal Pictographs

Norse Petraglyph

Sigils Revisited

The sigils of Chaos Magick seem to share roots with pictograms, their main difference is that their true purpose is obfuscated yet they still seek to manipulate people. Alan Moore in his discussion of Modern magic claims that the advertisers are the magicians of our age, using imagery, colour and composition to manipulate the masses in order to enact change in the world.

Modern pictographs

50's design and photography

I also looked back at the 1930's publication International Picture Language by Otto Neurath

Based on these images I did a series of photographic experiments, attempting to convey narrative in a purely pictorial form. I set myself the task of doing so neutral of language to avoid taking shortcuts.

I looked at graphic design used in subversive advertising and projects such as Brandalism to see how every day imagery can be subverted through use of context.

I then tried replacing text with pictograms in graphic images:

I also tried placing them in vintage photography, this was the direction I decided to go in eventually, aiming for 50's style photography for it's overly posed shots. I extended this to include stock photography to add variety.

Here is a failed experiment where I tried to include colour, also the image did not fit the more family orientated imagery I had chosen for the other images.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

MMc401.7 Concept Art

Dream Diaries
Bedside Dream Journal A Nightime Memory Book from

 “I used to keep a record of my least the vivid or recurrent a plain notebook. Having a bound book with a space for recording the actual dream and space below for listing any "symbols" one can recognize in a dream. At the end of the book, there are a few pages telling you about the general meaning of some symbols, but it's very cursory. I usually don't see any of the listed "symbols" in my dream, while there are other objects or people that come up repeatedly in my dreams which are not listed.”“Page layout helpful for recording dreams
- first half of each page: space for date, key symbols, interpretation notes
- second half of each page: space for dream description - have to be brief and write down just the important things, good practice if you expect to write daily because it becomes just a small part of your day - prevents me from rambling. you can span multiple pages if you want and split up your dream into parts, which can make the interpretation process easier
- you could also draw your dream if you prefer, which is something I have found useful since reading The Nightmare Solution: Simple, Creative Methods for Working Out Your Dream Problems

Short dream dictionary in back
- plan to have a secondary more comprehensive journal like (there are many good ones out there)

Overall, this a good value. i would recommend it as a gift for yourself or someone who keeps telling you about their crazy dreams!” – From customer Review
Dream Journal by Knock Knock

“It's a cute little journal. I love all the little extras it has. A place to draw, a couple questions, space for interpretation.. . What I don't like is there is NOT enough room to actually write about your dream. Unless it was a very short dream or you want to leave out 3/4 of the details. If you are a Clif notes kind of person you'll probably love this. If you're like me and you could write a book about your dream (or at least a chapter) don't bother. I suppose you could just use up more pages. But that seems kind of wasteful since you're unlikely to use the extra feature spaces more than the once. I'll be going back to a plain journal.”
I bought this for a friend who kept talking about his dreams and wanting a way to keep track of them. The outside of it looks a little girly but I don't think he minded. The inside is really cool. It is basically 2 pages for each dream divided up into sections that allow you to describe the dream itself, the emotions you had, place to draw a picture, just very thorough! Great purchase!”
Strange Dreams: A Journal by Andy J. Miller
(This is by far the favourite of the journals I looked at due in a large part the creativity it uses but also the forms are cool. I like forms)

“Despite the fact that the illustration looks slightly childish this is a really great journal. It has different options to choose from to set the tone for your dream instead of just blank pages. The book itself was smaller than I thought it would be but all in all I am very happy with the purchase and would recommend it to anyone looking to a great dream journal.”
Featuring quirky prompts and illustrations by Andy Miller (artist and designer of The Indie Rock Coloring Book and The Indie Rock Poster Book), this dream journal celebrates the totally outlandish qualities of dreams. Complete with guided prompts and checkboxes, a 'strangeness meter' (ranging from 'Ridiculously Boring' to 'Human Language Cannot Explain This!') and plenty of space to write details about each dream, this journal invites users to reflect on the idiosyncratic aspects of their dreams. Includes --short introduction --'dream entry' spread is the bulk of the journal (space to write your dream, guided prompts, checkboxes, etc.). 10 spreads with full-colour artwork and fun facts about dreams

Dream Interpritation
Freud's theory on dream analysis, which he published in The Interpretation of Dreams in 1900, states that yourunconscious, which stores your repressed desires, expresses those desires through dreams in order to protect your conscious mind from disturbing thoughts and urges. Additionally, he believed that the motivations for your dreams often came from day residue, or your experiences from the preceding day.
Freud's theory relies heavily on symbolism - the manifest content of your dream (what you remember) isn't the same as the issue it represents; rather, the latent content (the underlying cause of your dream) must be deciphered. For example, Freud believed that a falling dream signified that a person is about to give into sexual urges in real life.
It's worth noting that, to Freud, most dreams' latent content was sexual in nature. Here are some examples of symbolism according to Freudian dream analysis:
·         Phallic symbols: guns, snakes, neckties and other objects that are longer than they are wide
·         Vaginal symbols: doors, tunnels, windows and other types of openings
·         Sexual acts: climbing or descending stairs or steep inclines

While Jung began his research in dream analysis as a colleague of Freud, he disagreed with many of Freud's findings and branched out to form his own dream analysis theory. Jung's theory holds that dreams are a vehicle for your unconscious mind to reveal your desires to your conscious mind - not hide them from your conscious, as Freud believed. Additionally, Jung believed that the unconscious is comprised of two parts: one belongs solely to the person, while the other is collective - it belongs to all of humanity and contains universal symbols. Any given dream can take from both the individual unconscious and collective unconscious. Note that Jungian dream analysis does not rely on interpreting symbols, but rather the archetypes of dreams. Here are the common archetypes in Jungian dream analysis:
 Jung identifies seven such symbols in what is referred to as the major archetypal characters:
1. The Persona is the image you present to the world in your waking life. It is your public mask. In the dream world, the persona is represented by the Self.  The Self may or may not resemble you physically or may or may not behave as your would. For example, the persona can appear as a scarecrow or a beggar in your dream. However, you still know that this "person" in your dream is you.
2. The Shadow is the rejected and repressed aspects of yourself. It is the part of yourself that you do not want the world to see because it is ugly or unappealing. It symbolizes weakness, fear, or anger. In dreams, this figure is represented by a stalker, murderer, a bully, or pursuer. It can be a frightening figure or even a close friend or relative.  Their appearance often makes you angry or leaves you scared. They force you to confront things that you don't want to see or hear. You must learn to accept the shadow aspect of yourself for its messages are often for your own good, even though it may not be immediately apparent.
3. The Anima / Animus is the female and male aspects of yourself. Everyone possess both feminine and masculine qualities. In dreams, the anima appears as a highly feminized figure, while the animus appears as a hyper masculine form. Or you may dream that you are dressed in women's clothing, if you are male or that you grow a beard, if you are female. These dream imageries appear depending on how well you are able to integrate the feminine and masculine qualities within yourself. They serve as a reminder that you must learn to acknowledge or express your masculine (be more assertive) or feminine side (be more emotional). 
4. The Divine Child is your true self in its purest form. It not only symbolizes your innocence, your sense of vulnerability, and your helplessness, but it represents your aspirations and full potential. You are open to all possibilities. In the dreamscape, this figure is represented by a baby or young child.  
5. The Wise Old Man /Woman is the helper in your dreams. Represented by a teacher, father, doctor, priest or some other unknown authority figure, they serve to offer guidance and words of wisdom. They appear in your dream to steer and guide you into the right direction.
6. The Great Mother is the nurturer. The Great Mother appears in your dreams as your own mother, grandmother, or other nurturing figure. She provides you with positive reassurance. Negatively, they may be depicted as a witch or old bag lady in which case they can be associated with seduction, dominance and death. This juxtaposition is rooted in the belief by some experts that the real mother who is the giver of life is also at the same time jealous of our growth away from her. 
7. The Trickster, as the name implies, plays jokes to keep you from taking yourself too seriously. The trickster may appear in your dream when you have overreach or misjudge a situation. Or he could find himself in your dream when you are uncertain about a decision or about where you want to go in life.  The trickster often makes you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, sometimes mocking you or exposing  you to your vulnerabilities. He may take on subtle forms, sometimes even changing its shape.  
Archetypal dreams, also refer to as "mythic dreams", "great dreams" or "grand dreams", usually occur at significant times or transitional periods in your life. They often leave you with a sense of awe or that you have learned something important about yourself. Such dreams have a cosmic quality or an element of impossibility if occurred in reality. They are often extremely vivid and stay in your mind long after you had the dream. 

Animation in live action films
Pink Panther (and its sequels)

Return of the Pink Panther
The only depiction of the Pink Panther in the films comes from the cartoon opening credits in the form of an anthropomorphic panther (so popular it spawned a cartoon series) In these surreal sequences we see a caricature of Detective Clouseau chasing the titular character through a series of dream like sets. Clearly the “real” Pink Panther is not a cartoon character and instead the opening sequence could be viewed as a dream-like sequence using metaphor.

Dreams in games
LSD Dream Emulator
Typography in gaming

Things inspired by dreams
Dreams (Akira Kurosawa)
Xenomorph and other HR Giger creations
The Na’vi/Avatar
The Castle of Otranto
HP Lovecraft’s works; Nightgaunts and Nyarlathotep
The Hellbound Heart
Steven King’s Misery
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
The Rolling Stones
 apparently got the beat for "I Can't Get No (Satisfaction)" by listening to a recording of the frontman sleeping. He actually hummed it in his sleep.
Most of Dali’s work
The M-9 electrical anti-aircraft gun was invented by David B. Parkinson after it came to him in a dream, despite the fact that he designed recording equipment for Bell Labs and had no prior experience working with ballistics of any kind. 
The M-9 ultimately turned the tide in the Battle of Britain.
Majora's Mask was stated to be based on the series director's dream of the moon falling and crashing on Earth.
LSD: Dream Emulator

Just found this awesome looking DOS game, looking forward to playing it as it is abandonware.

Lucid Dreaming

I found NeuroSoups discussions on Lucid dreaming very useful, I came across them when searching some of the shamanic drugs I had previously researched.

The Float Center in Oakland, Alabama offers sensory deprivation to assist in meditation and lucid dreaming.

I took an astral projection test online to see if I might unwittingly be Astrally projecting... It seems unlikely, and considering I have only ever had one semi aware lucid dream I question how I got 45%.

Test for predisposition to Astral projections, lucid dreams and out of body experiences
Astral Projection:
Lucid Dreams:
Your parameters correspond to those of a common man, you live in this world and you're used to the physical plane only. Your subconsciousness will obstacle the development of your abilities, which does not mean you don't have any, it'll only be harder for you to uncover them. However, other parameters indicate that you will easily master the technique of lucid dreaming and make your life brighter and eventful ;)

I also found some Apps to help induce lucid dreaming, not had a chance to try them yet but hope I can soon. Had mixed luck with sleep apps previously.